Next Steps and Timeline for the Global Distributists Finalize party constitution and guiding principles (1-2 months) A. Review and incorporate feedback from the second meeting. B. Draft and approve any necessary amendments. C. Adopt the finalized constitution and guiding principles. Implement the membership recruitment strategy (3-6 months) A. Develop promotional materials and establish a social media presence. B. Organize and participate in local events and activities. C. Establish partnerships with like-minded organizations. D. Launch the member referral program. Participate in elections and advocate for distributist policies (ongoing) A. Identify and support qualified candidates who embody distributist principles to run for office. B. Develop and implement issue-based campaigns to raise awareness of distributist policies. C. Engage with the broader public on issues related to distributism, such as sustainable development, local economies, and cooperative models. Continuously evaluate and improve party operations (ongoing) A. Conduct regular assessments of party initiatives, including membership recruitment, local chapter development, and issue-based campaigns. B. Solicit feedback from party members to identify areas for improvement and potential new opportunities. C. Implement changes and enhancements to party operations based on feedback and assessments.